A Voyage Among the Vandals: Accepted [But See Addendum]

A nice bit of news today: my 4600-word historical fantasy-horror piece, A Voyage Among the Vandals, has been accepted by Phobica Books (https://www.phobicabooks.co.uk/books) for their upcoming Pirate Horror anthology, Shivering Timbers.

This one is set in the Mediterranean, during the mid-fifth century AD. Notable for having one of history’s designated villains, the Vandal Kingdom of North Africa, as the protagonists. Also notable for using genuine Vandal names for the characters, as stolen from the historical record.

Addendum: As of this morning, 13th June, I have received notification that the Shivering Timbers anthology is no longer going ahead. This is obviously frustrating to any writer, but it is, alas, an occupational hazard. Luckily, I think I can re-market this as Sword and Sorcery.

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